Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Finding a percent of a fraction

Task Description:
For this task, I have watched a video called ¨Finding a percent of a fraction¨, I have written what I have learnt from that video.

I found this task easy and fun! If you have any questions please comment!


  1. Hi Angellynah,
    Awesome explanation of finding a percentage of a fraction. What made you think the video was fun to watch and easy to understand?

    1. Hi Mrs Dhailwal,
      What made me think the video was fun and easy to understand, is that, I understood the video by listening to every step, and how I found it fun is that, when its challenging it makes your brain think even harder than it was the last time you learnt something and that´s what made it fun!-(Meaning learning new things might be challenging but it always gets easier and fun). Thank Mrs Dhailwal for commenting on my blog and have a great day!
